
Suitable age groups
  • Primary school
  • Secondary school
Program type


  • Geography
  • Primary school 5.–9. grade
  • Secondary school 1.–4. grade
Experience one of the most interesting stories in human history. Join the expedition of two probes that have not only explored the worlds of distant gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune since their launch in 1977, but have also ventured further into interstellar space. Will the message to the alien civilisations they carry on board be our first contact with them?

Dawn of the Space Age

  • Thematic science show
  • Biology, Physics, Natural science, Primary science
The film follows the early tentative steps of humanity's desire to go to the stars, from the launch of the first Sputnik, to Neil Armstrong's landing on the moon, to the current era of commercial flights into space or to other planets.

Dinosaurs at dusk

  • Thematic science show
  • Biology, Geography, Physics, Natural science, Primary science
  • Primary school 3.–7. grade
They flew over the earth tens of millions of years ago. Take to the skies with them and discover the origins of flight!

Natural selection

  • Biology, Natural science, Primary science
  • Primary school 3.–9. grade
The projection appropriately complements the theme of the evolution of life on Earth. Pupils will become Charles Darwin's companions on his research journeys that gave birth to the theory of evolution.


  • Thematic science show
  • Biology, Geography, Physics
  • Primary school 6.–9. grade
  • Secondary school 1.–4. grade
When and how was the solar system born? Take a journey through the planets.


  • Thematic science show
  • Biology, Physics, Natural science
  • Primary school 3.–7. grade
The film documents the training of astronauts and the technology needed to keep them in orbit around the Earth.

A journey through time

  • Thematic science show
  • Biology, Physics, Natural science
  • Primary school 5.–9. grade
14 billion years of the universe's existence reduced to just one year - with the Big Bang in the first second of January and the present in the last second of December.