Pass through the Stargate and discover the blue planet. Explore the landscape features, compare a map with a globe.
Try out our flight simulator and the 3G overload simulator called the Space Carousel. And speaking of space, imagine you are on the moon and try to jump, will you make it higher than here on Earth?

Landscape - mountains, meanders, interactive sandbox
Sculpt your own landscape from sand and see how volcanoes spew lava, how the wind flows around mountains and where water sticks in your landscape. A few meters away, see how mountains are formed - simply rotate the wheel and mountains will grow before your very eyes. See how quickly water drains from landscapes where rivers are artificially dammed compared to landscapes with naturally meandering streams.

Climate change – glaciers melt, greenhouse effect
Have you ever seen the effects of global climate change with your own eyes? Heat up the glacier and see which cities will be flooded by meltwater. How about seeing the consequences for yourself? Touch a model of the Earth with and without an atmosphere and see how they differ.

Coriolis force and airflow
Discover the principle of the Coriolis force, which affects the flow of air on Earth, using a ball and a rotating circular platform. Do you dare step onto this platform and let the Coriolis force affect your own body? You won’t be able to walk straight... Then tame the air currents and let the sailboat sail calmly and obliquely against the wind.

Cartography - maps lie, America, time zones, blind map
Spin the globe, design an air route to your chosen city on it and then look at the same route on a map, you might be surprised how different it is. Find out which one is real and which is distorted. See how accurately you can guess the location of North America relative to South America. Another exhibit will tell you how well you know the countries of Europe or the big cities. And if you struggle a bit with European geography, never mind, maybe you know your own country better (Czech Republic/Poland/Germany options). Would you like to know what time it is elsewhere on the planet and where it is day and night right now? No problem, the terminator exhibit will tell you.

Development of continents
Have you ever noticed how some continents fit together? Like a jigsaw puzzle. Put together the pieces of the protocontinent Pangea. Or get in the Time Machine from the movie of the same name and watch the accelerated future movements of the continents. Can you imagine what the Earth will look like millions of years from now?

Earth - celestial body - solar system, lunar jump
What is Earth’s position in the Solar System? Which planets are closer to the Sun and which are further away? This interactive exhibit will help you remember the order of the planets once and for all. As if you really were in space - that's how you might feel when using the Lunar Jump exhibit. Can you leap a meter high?

Gyroscope - gyroscope and space carousel (trainer for astronauts)
Be careful you don’t get dizzy when you turn the gyroscope handlebars. And for the adventurous, there’s the Space Carousel. Will you strap yourself into this machine? Unlike on the classic fairground carousel, you will be spinning in all directions - even upside down!