Obsolete Inventions
Lovers of retro will also enjoy iQLANDIA - we have an entire exhibition dedicated to the inventions and everyday appliances of past generations.
In the temporary Obsolete Inventions exhibition, you will find objects that today you might only find in the homes of your (great) grandmothers and (great) grandfathers. So step back into the past with us and see how life used to be!
Schools and offices
See for yourself how much education has changed. The most obvious changes are surely in the teaching aids used. Previously, there were no projectors, smartboards, laptops, tablets or printers - even school magazines were originally produced on typewriters. It was no different in offices, where, for example, calculators were mechanical and the size of a loaf of bread. Come and explore the technologies used in education and offices of the last century!

Shopping and groceries
The way we shop has also changed. There were no barcodes, and a communal coffee grinder was a common feature in every grocery store. Food has also changed. In the exhibition you can see, for example, the appearance, size of packaging and ingredients of retro food.

Computers and photography
Today we literally have computers in our pockets, but in the past this was impossible. The first computers needed entire halls to fit in. As time went by, however, technology advanced and computers got smaller, and eventually made their way into ordinary homes. Still, they are a long way from the computers of today. As computers changed, so did storage media. Neither did the way photographs were captured remain the same: pictures were taken on film, you didn’t have an unlimited number of attempts like today, and the film had to be developed afterwards. You will also learn about this process in Obsolete Inventions.

Arcade games
Try a few of the hundreds of games made in the 80s and 90s that were mainly played on arcade machines. Grab the joystick and immerse yourself in the games of the past. Some of them are still thriving on PC, the current generation of consoles or even mobile devices.