
A place where scientists and researchers work. Come to the workshop and become one of them!

Recommended age

from 11 years

Time requirement

1 hour

Where to find it

3rd floor

Our iQPARK includes two laboratories where we organize playful workshops and educational programs for schools. Explore things under microscopes, play with robots, enjoy experiments! What's happening today?



Nevertheless, we recommend saving the Water World for the end of your visit.

European Structural and Investment Funds Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy

The mathematical educational programs and didactic aids were created with the support of the project Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the Development of Education of the Liberec Region II, reg. no. CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_078/0017282.

Find the exhibition atiQPARK

Our worlds



Recommended8+ years old



Recommended0–8 years old



Recommended5+ years old